Christ Our Hope Sermons

Sunday 9.13.20 - "Forgiving Because We Are Forgiven" - Fr. Jeromie Rand

Christ Our Hope Anglican Church

A well-known parable of Jesus is recorded in Matthew 18:21-35, that of the unforgiving servant; despite having received unconditional forgiveness for an impossible debt he owed his master, a servant immediately - perhaps even cruelly - calls in a much smaller debt owed him by a fellow servant. Jesus uses this parable to contrast the behavior we ought to exhibit to one another - forgiving one another because we have been forgiven. 

In this message, Fr. Jeromie Rand outlines the real work it takes to engage in Biblical forgiveness, reminding the congregation and listeners that "our choice to forgive is a marker of the salvation that has already been given to us free of charge." 

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